Terms of Agreement

Terms of Agreement

Nevada Quick Divorce assists clients in representing themselves in legal proceedings. Our typing costs do not include the filing/handling fee or personal service (if required), and do not include replies, motions, or other pleadings. If an opposition is filed you may need to hire an attorney, as we are not attorneys.
Once the papers have been typed our typing fees have been fully earned. We are not responsible for verifying the accuracy, veracity, or comprehensiveness of any information provided to us by the client. Neither Nevada Quick Divorce nor any attorney working with us in the preparation of the paperwork requested by the client, represents any client as the attorney of record in any legal proceeding.


Nevada Quick Divorce reserves the right to charge: an administrative fee of $50. , for processing dishonored checks; if the customer terminates, our typing fees have been fully earned; up to $100. for changes made by the Customer or for Customer’s errors after papers are typed; $10. for remailing any papers to Customer or spouse. Nevada Quick Divorce charges that are disputed with a credit card company, BBB, or any other source, ruled in favor of Nevada Quick Divorce, will be charged a minimum of $200. or more depending on the amount of additional work required to answer the dispute; any other costs including collection costs/court costs/legal fees incurred in obtaining payment will be paid by Customer.
All balances are due within 30 days. Nevada Quick Divorce charges a 15% per month late charge and statutory interest on any unpaid balance until that balance is paid in full.
Inquiries as to the status of your Nevada case may be addressed for a payment of $100. for each set of 2 status calls. We will try to respond to status calls within 24 hours.


Should customer desire to make any changes to these Terms of Agreement please send us an e-mail message or written letter and inform us as to the changes you wish to make. All such requests must be made prior to filing your signed papers with the court for the judge’s signature. Nevada Quick Divorce agrees to make any such reasonable requested changes.


In the event of any error in or omission of all or any part of our services, the parties agree our liability shall be limited to a pro rata abatement of the charges payable for such services performed by Nevada Quick Divorce. In no event shall our liability to Customer for claims of any kind whatsoever for loss or damage arising out of or in any way connected with any such error or omission exceed the total of such charges for the services. No monies paid to third parties is refundable to Customer.


Any claim for loss must be made to Nevada Quick Divorce in writing within 7 days of the date the service was initiated by Customer. No claim of any kind may be made against Nevada Quick Divorce beyond the time listed herein.
In no event shall Nevada Quick Divorce be liable for any loss or punitive damages of any nature except as listed in this Agreement. In no event shall Nevada Quick Divorce be liable for errors or omissions or other wrongful conduct of any third party. The foregoing provisions shall apply to the full extent permitted by law and regardless of whether the claim is based upon contract, tort (including negligence of whatever degree), strict liability or otherwise, loss of profits, any incidental special, indirect or consequential loss including but not limited to loss of income, loss of profits, or loss of opportunity, arising out of or in connection with the performance of its obligations as contained in this Agreement, including such loss/damages as may be reasonably foreseeable at the date hereof. Customer specifically waives any right to any such claim for loss or damage.


If Customer does not agree to waive such claim for loss or damage, Customer can agree to pay additional charges for the services to be rendered. If Customer pays the additional charges, in the event of errors or omission, the Customer may pursue all of his legal remedies for such errors or omissions. Customers interested in obtaining additional information regarding this option should call Nevada Quick Divorce. Whether or not additional charges are paid, all claims based upon errors or omissions must be made in writing sent by certified mail during the claim period as specified herein.


All claims not made within 7 days for damages are waived. No claim or lawsuit may be brought for any relief based upon any error or omission or any other claim, unless a written claim is first made within the time period for making claims and in no event more than 15 days after the expiration of the time period for making claims.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Nevada, without regard to such state’s rules regarding conflicts of laws. Customer agrees that courts located in Washoe County, Nevada shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims and actions arising out of or relating to this Agreement.


Customer agrees to provide Nevada Quick Divorce a favorable review at the conclusion of this case.


Services to be performed by Nevada Quick Divorce are: Joint Petition Divorce, $270. plus $330. filing fee; or Complaint for Divorce, $390. plus $330. filing fee and $150. service of process fee and $360. for publication if needed; or Joint Petition Annulment $390. plus $330. filing fee; or Complaint Annulment. $490. plus $330. filing fee and $150. service of process fee, and $360. for publication, if needed.. Documents are usually typed and provided to Customer within 1 business day. Documents will be filed in the Third Judicial District Court in Fallon, or Yerington, Nevada, or Ninth Judicial District Court in Minden, Nevada. Any complaint concerning registrant may be directed to: (1) If the complaint involves an alleged violation of this chapter, the Secretary of State at toll free 1-800-450-8594 (Option 6); or (2) If the complaint involves an allegation that the registrant is engaged in the unauthorized practice of law, the office of Bar Counsel of the State Bar of Nevada, at toll free 1-800-254-2797 or www.nvbar.org.

(Customer name) acknowledges he/she has read and understands this Agreement.*
Date: (Date here)______________________ /S/ (Customer Name)______________________

* I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means.